Thursday, July 4, 2013

SAAS Cloud Computing Solution

Cloud computing is a concept where multiple computers are connected through a real-time communications network. It enables distributed computing providing the ability to run a program on multiple connected computers simultaneously.

Cloud computing provides users with agility, API accessibility, platform independence, virtualization, reliability, scalability, multi-tenancy, security and a host of other features. The ultimate goal is allow users to benefit from major technologies without in-depth knowledge or expertise of those technologies.

Of the various fundamental models that Cloud computing provides, SaaS (Software as a Service), also referred to as "on-demand software", is steadily growing to be a common delivery model for a majority of business applications such as Customer Relationship Management, Management Information System, Enterprise Resource Planning, Human Resource Management, Content Management, DBMS Software, CAD, etc. SaaS is a software delivery model where cloud providers host software and associated data. The users are provided access to application software and database. A major selling-point is the reduction in IT support cost as Cloud providers manage maintenance and support.

The pricing model for SaaS solutions is quite simple with a very basic initial setup cost and a subscription fee which may be monthly or annually. The vendors price their applications based on parameters which may be the number of users or scope of functionality.

InterraIT offer cloud computing services to their clients. InterraIT’s SaaS Cloud Computing is the right solution to your IT needs when it comes to increasing the capacity or adding new capabilities without investing in technology

Some notable SaaS service providers are:

•    Adobe
•    Google Apps
•    Oracle
•    Salesforce
•    Windows Azure
•    Microsoft Office 365
•    IBM SmartCloud

Contact Us-
Interra Information Technologies, Inc
25 Metro Drive, Suite 550,
San Jose, CA – 95110
Tel +1 408 451 1700
Fax +1 408 441 7495
(305) 555-4446
(305) 555-4447

1 comment:

  1. SaaS is Flexible, Reliable, Quick Deployment, Accessible and Compatible.
